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Banana Boat Recipe

Looking for a campfire dessert that's easy and delicious? This Banana Boat recipe is just what you need!

Whether you cook them in the coals of your campfire or over a grill, making Banana Boats will quickly become a favorite camping tradition.

banana with chocolate chips and marshmallows

How to make banana boats

Gather your supplies

You'll need:

  • bananas
  • your choice of fillings (chocolate chips or pieces of chocolate bar, mini marshmallows or cut up marshmallows, nuts)
  • a knife
  • aluminum foil
  • spoons

Prepare your banana boat

There are a number of ways to do this.

The "Peeled Banana" method

  • Peel the banana. Discard the peel.
  • Cut a trench in the banana and remove it. (Eat it!)
  • Fill the trench with your choice of goodies.

peeled banana with chocolate chips

  • Wrap in foil.

banana wrapped in foil

The "Peel and Replace" method

  • Peel a strip from the banana, leaving it attached.
  • Cut a trench in the banana. Remove it (and eat it!)
  • Fill the trench with goodies.

partially peeled banana with chocolate chips and marshmallows

  • Replace the strip of banana peel.
  • Wrap in foil.

The "Cut and Poke" method

  • Don't peel the banana.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut along the length of the banana. Cut through both the skin and the banana, making a narrow slit in the banana.
  • Poke chocolate chips into the slit.
  • Gently squeeze the banana to close the edges.

banana with chocolate chips

  • Wrap in foil.

Cook your banana boat

On the campfire

  • Build a campfire.
  • Let it burn down to coals.
  • Place the banana boat near the coals.

foil-wrapped banana in the coals

  • Cook until the banana is soft and the chocolate is melted.

Cooking time will depend on the heat of your coals, and how close you place the package to the coals. Check after 5 minutes, and then at frequent intervals.

On the grill

  • Place the banana on the barbecue, or on a grill over a campfire.
  • Check regularly.
  • Cook until the banana is soft and the chocolate is melted.

When your banana is cooked...

  • Use tongs or oven mitts or barbecue gloves to remove the package from the fire.
  • Remove the foil carefully.
  • Supervise small children closely. The banana is hot!
  • Eat your ooey, gooey banana with a spoon or fork.

warm, cooked Banana Boat

Have homemade baby wipes handy for cleanup. Banana Boats are sticky!

If you like Banana Boats, you'll probably love Smores!

Now that you have an easy Banana Boat recipe, check out the rest of my tasty camping desserts ideas.

There's a lot to think about when you go camping! Visit The Camping Family home page for lots of help.

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