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Pill Bottle tips

by Carlos Rivera
(Guayama, PR)

Since we have lots of prescription and pill bottles at home, I decided to search for uses for them. Here's two of them:

Looking for several ways to have a cheap, useful and handy fire started, I ended up creating this one. Feel free to try it.

In a medium sized pill container, place about 6 cotton balls. If they don't fit at first, place only 3 and pour lighter fluid or lamp oil to half the bottle. Then add the remaining 3. In case the container is not leak proof, you can always store it in a Zip bag. While placing your charcoal or wood, place 3 or 4 damped cotton balls. They each burn around 10 minutes. I use a magnesium flint and it burns with just sparks.

The other tip is a personal first aid kit for the kids. I always have a good first aid kit at the car. However, when hiking, it's good for everyone to have a handy first aid kit. In a medium pill container, you may fit about 3 bandages and even 1 alcohol pad. Put a Velcro strip around it and you can carry it on your belt straps.

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Jan 09, 2016

by: Ellen

These are great ideas, Carlos! Thank you!

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